
The Enduring Art of Handmade Paper Production
Dezo or the art of making traditional paper (desho) was popular in the past as most religious scriptures and text were written on desho using local ink or gold dust. Paper-making has deep roots in Bhutan. It is made from the bark of the Daphne tree. Today, the Jungshi traditional paper factory in Thimphu uses bark from the Daphne and Dhekap tree to produce handmade paper. In present times, though, the modern paper has replaced the desho though it is still used to make carry bags, gift-wrap paper and envelopes sold in the market. Desho is also used for contemporary greeting cards, notebooks and calendars. The art is still alive in Trashiyangtse, where raw material for traditional paper-making is readily available.
Dezo (Paper-making)