
Explore the Treasures of Eastern Bhutan and Boost Tourism with the SHINE Project’s Trailblazing Field Trip!

The SHINE project team recently set out on an expedition to the eastern districts of Zhemgang, Pemagatshel, Trashigang, Trashiyangtse, and Mongar to evaluate tourism potential and pinpoint areas for improvement. During the trip, the team presented the Tourism Attraction Book (TAB) to local leaders, promoting the region as a prime tourist destination.

The project team interacted with community producers, local government representatives, and the Dzongkhag administrations, discovering numerous opportunities to boost tourism. From showcasing traditional crafts such as wooden bowl making, lacquering techniques, and highland cheese fermentation, to introducing appropriate technology in areas like dehydrating fresh produce, pickle production, and textile weaving, the SHINE project is committed to enhancing tourism in eastern Bhutan and preserving its vibrant cultural heritage. Join the team on this thrilling adventure and witness the potential for yourself!